As part of our offering and mission to make yoga more accessible, we arrange for a highly qualified and professional yoga teacher to deliver classes to your workplace. 


  • Yoga/Meditation classes delivered at your workplace

  • Yoga/Mediation classes are delivered at our studio

  • Online streamed classes (for home workers)

  • Hybrid classes (In the studio / live streaming for home workers)

We can come to your workplace, or your colleagues can come to us at our studio space. Our studio acts as space to down-regulate and interrupt the working day. We also have a high-tech streaming system in the studio, so we can include colleagues at home if you have a hybrid working environment.  

Current clients include: JP Morgan, Shepherd and Wedderburn, Glasgow City College and the University of Glasgow.

Prices start at £60 per class, please email us at for quotes and more information.

Studies have been shown that mindfulness, yoga and meditation can significantly reduce anxiety and stress at the workplace.
— Steph Wall